Roe vs. Wade 46 Years Later:
(Still the Greatest Liberties Violation in US History)

Yesterday, January 22nd, 2019, marked the 46th Anniversary of arguably the worst violation of Individual Liberties in American History.  The Supreme Court findings in the Roe vs. Wade case.  It is truly amazing how people can argue that Roe vs. Wade was one of the greatest victories for Women’s Rights in U.S History. 

Let’s begin by looking at it from that perspective.  Look at the number of abortions that occur in the United States today.  According to the statistics from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), there were an average of 1,788 abortions performed each DAY in the United States in 2014.  That is an average of one abortion occurring every 48 seconds.  Now, if we use the laws of averages and say that on average half of those unborn children (as there are only TWO biological genders), that means on an average day in 2014, 894 unborn women were denied an entire litany of their “Women’s Rights”.  Their future right to vote was taken away, their future right to marry whoever they see fit was taken away, their future right to pay equality was taken away, their future right to worship whatever religion they see fit was taken away and their future right of Freedom of Speech was taken away.  But the greatest travesty of all, the single greatest Women’s Right that they were denied, was the Individual Liberty that is more important than any of those.  They were denied the right to exist!

Now, let’s widen the scope a little bit more.  Let us look at the other side of the gender coin, the male gender.  As I previously stated, there were an average of 1,788 abortions performed each DAY in the United States in 2014.  That means there were an average 894 unborn men denied the same litany of their Individual Liberties.  Now, I am sure there are a number of Feminist Extremists who are perfectly fine with knowing that little tidbit of information.  But, doesn’t that beg the question, “What were those 894 unborn men destined for in the scope of history?”  Could one of them grown up to become the next Chief Justice William O. Douglas (a self-identified Democrat and one of the seven Supreme Court Justices that voted in favor of Roe vs. Wade).  But then, you would have many of your Militant Feminists contend, “Well, many of those “men” will more than likely grow up to be male chauvinist Republicans.  Douglas was clearly an exception to the rule!”  My response is, “If they grew up to be Republicans, would that necessarily be a bad thing?  After all, when Roe vs. Wade was decided upon on January 22, 1973 it was a seven to two decision.  Of the seven Supreme Court Justices who found in favor, only two of them were self-identified Democrats.  Yes, that is right, five of the seven Supreme Court Justices that found in favor of Roe (whose real name was Norma McCorvey) were self-identified Republicans.  (Just a side note, of the two dissenting Supreme Court Justices, one of them, Justice Byron White was a self-identified Democrat who was nominated by President John F. Kennedy.)

Next, let’s look at the racial aspect of the abortion topic.  Non-Hispanic Black women accounted for approximately 36% of the abortions in 2014; that is 644 unborn non-Hispanic Black children a day.  Which of those children could have grown up to be the next Martin Luther King Jr. or the next Thurgood Marshall (the only other self-identified Democrat to vote in support of Roe and the first African-American Supreme Court Justice).  That’s not to imply that the majority of abortions are by African American women, the majority of American abortions are by White American women with 38%.  It begs the question. Which of these could have grown up to be the next Eleanor Roosevelt?

What other future icons has the world been denied because they were aborted?  How can people not ponder which of these unborn women could have grown up to be the next titan of industry like CJ Walker or would bring forward the next great leap in the world of medicine like Marie Curie?  How many innovators like Steve Jobs, Emmy Noether or Alexander Fleming has the world been denied?  Of Course, some content that abortion is a good thing in cases where modern medical technology has determined that the unborn child has a severe birth defect or will have a limited life-span due to a genetic medical condition.  Well, if Frank and Isobel Hawking had been convinced of this notion in 1942 the world would have never known the ground-breaking genius of Stephen William Hawking (one of the foremost minds in theoretical physics).  Another argument used as a suggested acceptable circumstance to allow abortion is in the event of a woman being a victim of rape.  So, they are saying 16 year old Helen Burns should have chosen to have an abortion in 1941 when she was raped by her 33 year old neighbor.  Or Annie Mae Keith (a woman of African American and Cherokee decent) should have had an abortion when she was raped in 1926 by a white man.  If Helen Burns followed this mindset, the world would have never known civil rights figure Jesse Jackson.  As well, Annie May Keith adhering to this train of thought would have deprived the world of the vocal magic of legendary singer Eartha Kitt.

Many Pro-Choice supporters like to point to the unborn child as nothing more than a “lump of tissue” that is not an actual person because it could not survive outside the woman’s body.  My response is, that means the unborn child is no different than the woman.  If you deprive the woman of basic care, food and water, the woman would not survive either.  The other main argument of abortion is it is a “Woman’s Choice” to do with her body as she sees fit, and no one should be able to force their will on her body.  I just pose one question to those women, if that is the case, how is you imposing your will on the unborn child any different?

Nathan Cotus
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