
Showing posts from January, 2019
Roe vs. Wade 46 Years Later: (Still the Greatest Liberties Violation in US History) Yesterday, January 22 nd , 2019, marked the 46 th Anniversary of arguably the worst violation of Individual Liberties in American History.   The Supreme Court findings in the Roe vs. Wade case.   It is truly amazing how people can argue that Roe vs. Wade was one of the greatest victories for Women’s Rights in U.S History.   Let’s begin by looking at it from that perspective.   Look at the number of abortions that occur in the United States today.   According to the statistics from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), there were an average of 1,788 abortions performed each DAY in the United States in 2014.   That is an average of one abortion occurring every 48 seconds.   Now, if we use the laws of averages and say that on average half of those unborn children (as there are only TWO biological genders), that means on an average day in 2014, 894 unborn women were denied an entire litany o
The Democrats: Ethics and Reform      So, the Democrats announced back in they had decided they will take their newly won House Majority and run with it on Day one (what a concept, remind me again what legislation the Republicans had ready when they took the Oval Office in January of 2017, but I digress).   As part of the “For the People” campaign, they announced a legislative bill they are calling “H.R. 1”. In this bill they said they will be addressing “donor disclosure requirements for political organizations, a system to multiply small donations to political campaigns, mandating a new ethical code for the Supreme Court, ending most first-class travel for federal officeholders, and a broad effort to expand voting access and reduce partisan gerrymandering”.      I see a myriad of issues with these areas which they are looking to address.   Let’s start with the first one, “donor disclosure requirements for political organizations”.   As we have seen in the past few months