
Statistical Analysis of 2020 General Election Results - Georgia

Statistical Analysis of Georgia 2020 Election Results   I will be looking into the results of the 2020 Election as it pertains to the state of Georgia.   What I am particularly looking at is the changes of statistical significance in the various counties in Georgia for the 2020 General Election.   As anyone who is familiar with statistics knows, anything more than a 5% change (be it an increase or decrease) is considered a statistically significant change.   It is significant in that it is something very unlikely to occur.   If you see anything more than a 10% change (be it an increase or decrease) is considered such a statistically significant change, it is considered almost implausible.   It has been well-documented this election had a significantly increased voter turnout.   This is evidenced in Georgia by fact that the state as a whole had a 22% increase in votes cast as compared to 2016, on average Georgia counties had a 19% increase in votes cast and no county in Georgia